
Amanda's Designs of the Week: Appliques and Fleece Hats

Just thought I'd do a little show and tell... this week i was feeling particularly CREATIVE :-)

Here comes peter cottontail... hopping down the bunny trail... isn't he adorable??!
Peter Towel $8.50

Modern Cross (above) - Chandelier Fabric w/Purple $8.50

Modern cross + Pray Sets $16/set (2 towels)

Miss Robot Applique Tshirt - $20

Assorted one-of-a-kind fleece monogrammed hats $25/each

These were just my favorites... I've actually sewn more stuff. Which is insane considering I've had "Lil' J" home all week sick with possibly the rota-virus, very COLD weather with VERY stir crazy and cranky kids. Oh - and did I mention that I registered myself for my 1st post-college class since 2002?! Yikes... more details on that when I'm ready to share ;-)

Have a Great week!

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