
Chevron Velcro Belts for kids

A chevron ribbon velcro belt for a kid.... What a fun and stylish way to keep those pants from drooping. 

It's custom handmade to order belt, by yours truly, made especially with my own 4 yr old & 5.5 yr olds in mind... the droopy jeans at this age drive me bonkers as a Mom. But since I can't be there at preschool and Kindergarten to help them go to the bathroom to assist them on/off with a traditional belt, this velcro belt seemed like the best solution to the "droopies". With "hook & loop closure", it's easier for a child to get this belt on and off - velcro belts for kids is nothing new, beeen around for many years.  My belt's design is similar concept to those "big name" guys here, but my design is different  than theirs... most children  under 6 yrs old have yet to master snaps on clothing - which to me made theirs less desirable, just my two cents.

Pretty soon you'll hear cheers from the bathroom of "Look, Mommy, I did it all by myself"... hooray! 

One small step for a child, one giant leap for Mother-kind everywhere ;-)  

Need a belt?   Order here in my Etsy shop.

You may customize your child's belt however you like.  Color options for webbing + chevron ribbon + TWO wdiths: 1" (2 yrs and under toddlers), and 1.25" (for 3 yrs and up kids)... Style away!

Need a belt?   Order here in my Etsy shop.

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