
It's F a l l !

When I think of Fall, I think of what i fondly like to refer to as "SWEATER WEATHER".  Just chilly enough for a light weight sweater.  But apparently here in Texas all we've been getting is a "fall teaser", which is totally crazy.... one week I'm packing away their summer clothes, the next week I'm digging through their storage bins to get out a pair of shorts or sleeveless tank.  Hurry up Fall!  Our family eagerly awaits your arrival... I'm just saying ;-)

As for what I've been doing lately.... well, part-time teaching PreK doesn't exactly leave me with much "free" time to sew as I would like.  BUT I've been spinning my creative energy in the evenings (once munchkins are in bed) in a MUCH needed area... home decor!  if you remember anything about our past life these 4.5 years... it's been FILLED with moving boxes.  We've moved in/out of our 4 year old house 5 times, yes, you read that correctly, F I V E times :-(  Sometimes you just gotta go where life takes you, and life kept pulling us back to Washington DC.  To make a long story short.... moving so much didn't leave me any time to decor our "builder beige" home.  And oh yes, did I mention I also had my premature son born in-between those moves?!  yes, so life has been crazy... think we're about as "sett;ed" as we're gonna get now.  So my focus has been on creative design on a tiny budget, did i say our budget is tiny... yes it's TINY.

I've started image inspiration boards for a few of our rooms... ABOVE is ideas I have found to inspire our master bedroom makeover.  We do have black furniture and pale yellow walls.  So naturally I've flocked to the color palette of  black/yellow/gray.  More updates on this room will come as the progress begins ;-)

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